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One Boat at a Time!
2003, Glen L Plan -Squirt "Lil' Nessy"
After the launch of the family vessel, "Meandering On" in 2000, Vanessa Hendren (8 at the time), 'caught the antique/wooden
boat bug.' It was thus decided that she should have a wooden boat of her own. A few years later, and after some online research, John discovered the plans for this sweet boat - that had Vanessa's name written all over it! A 10ft. 'gentle(wo)man's racer' look, a bit of a challenge to build, and a perfect vessel for an 11 year old. In December of 2002, all other projects were put on hold while the construction of the Glen L plan's for a "Squirt" began.
Her fascination at the time for Scotland's Loch Ness monster, commonly referred to as "Nessy" by locals, as well as being called that exact name by family members since she was a toddler, led to the immediate christening of this fine little vessel, "L'il Nessy."

A template was made to frame the boat.

Construction begins.

Vanessa enjoys the Squirt in the pond at our new place!

A template was made to frame the boat.